

                               Culross Townscape               Oil (610 x 457mm)

Commentary on the work:

Culross, a picturesque town on the shores of the Firth of Forth, radiates beauty, especially at sunset. Its streets, paved with centuries-old cobblestones preserved by its residents, add to its charm. Ascending the narrow stone stairs alongside these cobblestones, one can gaze over the town with the Firth of Forth as a majestic backdrop. The sunset reflects off the bay, enhancing the depth and allure of the landscape.

The houses around the church, constructed from robust stone, now bear white plaster for preservation. Each features unique embellishments on its wooden window frames and doors, with every building narrating its own storied past. The dimming sunset light filters through the spaces between these homes, casting reflections on the white walls, which I believe captures and deepens the town’s beauty.

I am particularly drawn to the sparkling contrail of an airplane cutting through the sunset sky. With global restrictions due to the pandemic, simple sights like airplanes overhead became rare, particularly in Scotland, where the skies remained empty for years. This isolation made our world seem smaller as we stayed indoors to curb the virus’s spread. However, with easing restrictions, returning to Culross, just 40 minutes from Edinburgh, was profoundly moving. Seeing that airplane contrail stretch across the sunset-filled sky stirred a blend of joy, excitement, and a poignant reminder of what we had once taken for granted. This contrail, and the emotions it evoked, is another central theme of this landscape painting.

                                                                                                               Masayuki Hara

   Commentary on the work

「キュロスの街並み」              12 (610x457mm)    2022


キュロスはフォース湾に面した魅力的な街。日没間近になると、その美しさがさらに引き立ちます。 この街の全ての路地は数世紀にわたって住民によって守られてきた石畳で覆われています。石畳の脇から細い階段を登って行くとフォース湾を背景にしたキュロスのチャーミングな街並みが見下ろせます。湾の水面には夕焼けの空が反射し、対岸の景色がこの風景を引き締めます。


